
  1. INK mirror L

    INK mirror L


    The Ink series embodies the designer's reflections on the art of calligraphy and the works of masters. The metal frame is encrusted with a marble detail, which allows you to play on the contrast of color and texture and most profitable to present the material.

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  2. INK mirror

    INK mirror


    The Ink series embodies the designer's reflections on the art of calligraphy and the works of masters. The metal frame is encrusted with a marble detail, which allows you to play on the contrast of color and texture and most profitable to present the material.

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  3. Floor Mirror Black

    Floor Mirror Black


    A large floor mirror in a minimalistic black frame will not go unnoticed. Simplicity and linearity of forms will suit any style interior solution.

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  4. Floor mirror Arris Black

    Floor mirror Arris Black

    The outdoor mirror combines both a designer accessory to complement the interior, and a functional piece of furniture that will find a place in the bedroom, dressing room or hallway. Due to the non-standard depth of the frame of 100 mm., A convenient shelf for storing the necessary things is created. Learn More
  5. Floor mirror Arris Nordic

    Floor mirror Arris Nordic


    The outdoor mirror combines both a designer accessory to complement the interior, and a functional piece of furniture that will find a place in the bedroom, dressing room or hallway. Due to the non-standard depth of the frame of 100 mm., A convenient shelf for storing the necessary things is created.

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  6. Circle



    Mirror Circle in an unusual frame is able to decorate even the dim interior. Externally, the Circle frame resembles the surface of the eternal Earth satellite, the Moon. And thanks to the impressive size, in such a mirror it is convenient to consider your reflection

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  7. Square



    A mirror in a shimmering frame is always a spectacular decor. Moreover, when this mirror Square, then you can look at your reflection in it forever.

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Наш интернет-магазин необычной мебели shop.salon.com.ua продает только дизайнерскую продукцию – стулья, столы, диваны, шкафы, кровати из массива дуба, барные стулья, прикроватные тумбы, светильники, торшеры.

Магазин дизайнерской мебели САЛОН Design Shop всегда поможет воплотить самые смелые дизайнерские решения.

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