
  1. Armchair PL04

    Armchair PL04


    The legs of the chair are made of solid ash. Soft elements - italian material ITALVELLUTI. Options of upholstery with leather, eco leather or material of economy class. Options of wood decoration are available.

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  2. Armchair SM05

    Armchair SM05


    Collection "Scandinavian modern of 50s"

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  3. Armchair SM04

    Armchair SM04


    Collection "Scandinavian modern of 50s".

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  4. Rocking chair №1

    Rocking chair №1


    Rocking chair made of waterproof birch plywood.

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  5. V1 lounge chair

    V1 lounge chair

    • In the volume of silence 
    • Future Shock has become a shock of the present. The speed of the future advent exceeds the speed of our adaptation to changes. The unnecessary information hid houses, friends, and even the sky from us. Time as a universal value becomes more expensive and inaccessible. Efforts at the information's sorting and consumption exceed a useful effect of her. The need to stop at the right place at the right time is a prerequisite of the next step. 
    • We have returned personal space to the man. The V1 chair gives you the retire in any room volume. Outside - one of the most durable yet lightweight materials, aluminum. Inside - felt - the nonwoven fabric, maximally absorbing the sound. The acoustic atmosphere of the chair's internal volume allows you to focus on your thoughts and feelings. Large soft cushions are made of chenille with flock substrate and hollofayber is used as a filling. There is enough space both for single and joint rest. 
    • Facts that made us take thought: 
    • - The term "future shock" was defined by futurist Alvin Toffler in the eponymous book in 1970. 
    • - The human brain is able to perceive and accurately process the information at a speed of up to 25 bits per second. Such speed of data assimilation enables a person to read up to three thousand books throughout life, on condition that each day he will take 50 pages of text. 
    • - This July scientists have found a new speed record of data transmission via optical fiber - 43 terabits per second. Transmission of the two-hour movie channel in high definition with this channel takes a couple of milliseconds. The analog human can't keep up with the rate and volume of such data transmission. 
    • - As a whole for 100 years the movement speed of transport increased 100 times,timesspeed of communication systems operation has increased 10million times, the rate of data processing have increased 1 million times.
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  6. Q1 black chair

    Q1 black chair

    • Disperse the tension 
    • Once the inventor decided to check out what can one man do for all the humanity. First of all, he pondered what should be a house of the future: how to make it compact and able to accommodate a sufficient number of inhabitants. Thus the geodesic dome was created - a revolutionary architectural construction of lightweight materials that can withstand the enormous pressure. 
    • Q1 chair is a dedication to the creator of the geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller, a science revolutionist. The chair is similar to its creation: it is able to withstand heavy loads, while staying visually light. 
    • Base of the chair is made of steel, extremely durable and wear-resistant material. To retain heat the inside of the chair is upholstered with felt, nonwoven fabric. The modular soft pillows' mounting system provides additional convenience of their exploitation and replacement if necessary. Pillows are made of chenille with with flock substrate. Hollofayber is used as a filler. It is an environmentally friendly synthetic material and it's capable to keep its shape in contrast to the classical fillers. 
    • The spherical shape of the chair provides the most comfortable and natural for human seat. The appearance makes it universal for both public and home interiors.
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  7. Q1 lounge chair

    Q1 lounge chair

    • Once the inventor decided to check out what can one man do for all the humanity. First of all, he pondered what should be a house of the future: how to make it compact and able to accommodate a sufficient number of inhabitants. Thus the geodesic dome was created - a revolutionary architectural construction of lightweight materials that can withstand the enormous pressure.
    • Q1 chair is a dedication to the creator of the geodesic dome, Buckminster Fuller, a science revolutionist. The chair is similar to its creation: it is able to withstand heavy loads, while staying visually light.
    • Base of the chair is made of steel, extremely durable and wear-resistant material. To retain heat the inside of the chair is upholstered with felt, nonwoven fabric. The modular soft pillows' mounting system provides additional convenience of their exploitation and replacement if necessary. Pillows are made of chenille with with flock substrate. Hollofayber is used as a filler. It is an environmentally friendly synthetic material and it's capable to keep its shape in contrast to the classical fillers.
    • The spherical shape of the chair provides the most comfortable and natural for human seat. The appearance makes it universal for both public and home interiors.
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Интернет-магазин дизайнерской мебели

Интернет-магазин дизайнерской мебели всегда может помочь подобрать лучшую дизайнерскую мебель от лучших дизайнеров и производителей Украины.  Здесь представлены дизайнерские обеденные стулья, кресла, столы, системы хранения, кровати из массива дуба, барные стулья, диваны, кофейные столики, прикроватные тумбы, осветительные приборы, встроенный свет, обои, подарки, декор.

Дом, квартира или офис это те места в которых мы проводим очень много времени и по этому для создания комфорта и уюта мы рекомендуем дизайнерскую мебель от Украинских производителей представленную на Выбрать лучшую дизайнерскую мебель помогут в нашем магазине по адресу: ул. Вадима Гетьмана 6, ТРЦ Космополит. Блок Б, 4 этаж.

Для создания идеального дизайнерского интерьера нужна нестандартная мебель которую можно найти у нас в САЛОН Design shop . Для каждой комнаты нужна своя дизайнерская мебель: гостиная - диван, кофейный столик, пуф, комод, торшер,  для спальни — кровать из массива дуба, тумбочки, комод, будуарный столик, зеркало, обои, для столовой — обеденный стол и стулья, комод для посуды, лавка, для детской дизайнерские обои, кровать из натурального дерева, освещение, декор, письменный стол, торшер, комод. В прихожую оттоманка, шкаф, пуф, зеркало, будуарный столик, комод для обуви.

Не следовать за модой, а диктовать ее — вот девиз большинства специалистов, с которыми сотрудничает наш интернет-магазин современной мебели

Наш интернет-магазин необычной мебели продает только дизайнерскую продукцию – стулья, столы, диваны, шкафы, кровати из массива дуба, барные стулья, прикроватные тумбы, светильники, торшеры.

Магазин дизайнерской мебели САЛОН Design Shop всегда поможет воплотить самые смелые дизайнерские решения.

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