The Planet
€5,495.00The Planet is a creative approach to the boundaries of your personal space, totally new level of comfort work in the office. It features a minimalist design that celebrates the beauty of simplicity and the power of futuristic design.
We used to exist and work in limited and measured space. Tight bee cell of a divided office where we endeavor to promote development and create our future.
Creating this product we tried to find own point of harmony and interaction with each other in the office. We were searching for an interior design solution that would give a boost to unfold our inner space and inspire to generate unique ideas dividing our mind from the bustle and noise of the surrounding world.
The Planet - an innovative solution for co-working and open-spaces. It brings together minimalism and comfort in an eye-catching and clever design. Ideal for both residential and commercial spaces, MZPA provides a sophisticated take on a furniture design.
The Planet can substitute the personal cabinet and even a personal relax zone. It is great for the moments when you need to stay alone, gather your thoughts and focus attention on the task, take your mind off the office bustle, switch yourself and have a cup of coffee alone.
While designing The Planet we took into account the needs of our co-workers and devised a multifunctional and comfortable place with distinctive look and feel. An ergonomic mattress and such additional conveniences as a storage pocket, led-lamp, USB charging, speaker system and even solar panels – make The Planet a true stand-alone station for work and leisure.
The basis of The Planet is a constructor made up of triangular segments and fastenings. Adding or removing segments, you can change the shape and vary the degree of openness to the world around you.
The Planet has a distinctive personality that makes it stand out among other modern designs. A sophisticated example of contemporary armchair design, The Planet blends clean lines with complementing materials in a creative way.
A perfect complement of the decor with refined and minimalist aesthetics.
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Интернет-магазин дизайнерской мебели
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Дом, квартира или офис это те места в которых мы проводим очень много времени и по этому для создания комфорта и уюта мы рекомендуем дизайнерскую мебель от Украинских производителей представленную на Выбрать лучшую дизайнерскую мебель помогут в нашем магазине по адресу: ул. Вадима Гетьмана 6, ТРЦ Космополит. Блок Б, 4 этаж.
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Не следовать за модой, а диктовать ее — вот девиз большинства специалистов, с которыми сотрудничает наш интернет-магазин современной мебели
Наш интернет-магазин необычной мебели продает только дизайнерскую продукцию – стулья, столы, диваны, шкафы, кровати из массива дуба, барные стулья, прикроватные тумбы, светильники, торшеры.
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